Nov 6, 2006

Please pray for Miss Molly

Wow what a couple of weeks full of emotions. I keep thinking it's going to get better and right before I see the sunshine it rains again. My poor Miss Molly is back in the Hospital! It going on 2 weeks now that Molly does not eat! She just drinks lots of water. I tryed just about everything to make her eat. I even bought a big juicy steak for her and she refused it. It's not like her to do that. I am really getting worried. She is down to 42 pounds. she is very skinny. Rudy took her back to the Vet's for more testing this afternoon. This time they X-rayed her and found nothing and we are waiting for more more Blood test results.. Errgghhh! She had to stay over night for more IV feedings. and again we will be expecting another expensive vet bill. I don't care as long as they make my Molly well again! Please pray for her.

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