Sep 4, 2009

How did I forget to post this!

August 22, 2006 is when I when it all started for me. The reason why I decide to try Blogging was because of Three beautiful reasons, Kieran, Haydan & Presley. I am proud of myself for keeping up with my Blog. It has been endless hours I spent teaching myself how to Blog and learning how to add on different stuff and just learning all I can about Blogging. It has been really challenging. But it's all been worth it. I have 459 story posted, I made & produced 48 videos, and 43 slideshows to go along with my postings and I still have 147 stories saved in my Unpublished box that never made it to the Published list for many reasons but the number one excuse experiencing Brain fart and can't complete the story and thinking it's not good enough to post. Maybe someday I'll post them.

Thank You to my Family & Friends
First I have to thank my fellow bloggers you know who you are, who are wondrous at keeping me inspired  and of course you, my readers, for your loyalty and just for simply taking the time to read my rambling. I can’t say it’s always interesting, but I hope something on here might have meant something to you as well. My Blog is a place I can say anything I want without being censored. A place where I love to hear back thoughts of what my friends and people I look up to have to say in return. I have learned a lot through blogging and have seen that when I post something well thought out I get quite a few responses.

Start Blogging I have been lucky enough to have inspired 5 friends to start their own Blog. So 
If you have not started your own blog, I would definitely suggest trying it out. You have nothing to lose by doing so and if anything you will learn something new.  What are you waiting for? Don’t put it on your long to-do list because it will never get done. Just do it and do it for yourself . Blog for yourself because then you can dictate when you post and what you post about. No matter who you are, what you do, there must be something you can share with the world.

This was my very first Blog Post

The Weydemullers

August 22, 2006 @ 8:53pm

Okay! I gave in and decided to start a Blog. With my little sister Angela and her triplets arriving to California in just a few days (Yippy) and my brother-in-law (triplets daddy) Sgt. Patrick Weydemuller he is coming all the way from IRAQ to California for a well deserved 2 week rest from Battle ground life in Iraq. A lot of you Triplet fans around the world wanted me to keep updated stories on the daily lives of my sweet little Weydemuller Triplets, Kieran, Haydan & Miss Presley. So in keeping you all tuned in everyday I will be posting their daily activities and pictures of course here so aside from their own website this would be the place to read all about them.


Marie said...

Wow! What a difference from how they look today AND thank you, Norma for teaching me the in's and out's of blogging. I dont' always write the most interesting or intelligent things but as you said, it's for me, more than anyone else.

Love ya,

Norma said...

Oh I love how my student pays attention in class!
Thank you Marie and you are so very welcome my friend.
And what cha talkin about my friend you are such an awesome Blogger I always stalk your Blogsite....

Jody said...

Happy Blogiversary!! :) LOVE IT!! :)