Dec 30, 2009

What a ride this year has been!! A lot of lows and plenty of Highs, but the good has far outweighed the bad in my world. On January 1, 2009 instead of making a resolution I picked a word to describe how I would live throughout this year. That word was "Confidence" and boy did I live up to it! I did things I never imagined I'd ever do. I took leaps of faith and received tremendous results. Naturally, there were a few stumbles, but they were nothing I couldn't get through.

For this year my word chose me. In every conversation, every journal entry and in every prayer the word "Abundance" appeared. Abundance of good health, peace, joy, kindness to self and others. And most of all an abundance of success in uplifting those in need. I plan to live through 2010 in complete abundance.

I wish you all a blessed New Year! May you find complete bliss in 2010 and leave all negativity, hurt, anger and loss in 2009. The future is yours to live in joy...

Dec 26, 2009

Missing our baby girl Molly

Not one day goes by that we don't think of our wonderful dog Molly. God we miss her so much! Three year ago today we had Molly put down.

 I am re-posting my original post I did 2 years ago..........................

I am very sad at the moment just thinking only if the triplets were here a year ago maybe our Molly would still be with us. You see Molly died of depression and sadness when the Triplets left back to Germany last year. Molly believed the Triplets were her litter so when the Triplets left Molly stopped eating and just wanted to sleep. Below is a short video I made of our baby girl molly and I attached an old post I did last year about Molly.

A few days before we made the hard decision of putting our sweet Molly down we spend every second with her and video special moments with her telling her how much we love her and thanked her for being such a great dog to us. 

Molly with her Triplets before they all left to Germany
  Post about Our Molly
November 26, 2006
.................................................................. Our Baby girl Molly passed away on December 26, 2006 at 2:05pm. As the months went by and seeing her fade away to bones and not getting any better, we all came to that very hard decision of putting her down. She went very quickly as it only took 5 seconds. We spent our last Christmas with Molly just loving her and telling her how much we loved her and how lucky we where to have her in our life.

Dec 10, 2009

We Might Not Have Christmas Cards, But We Have Love. (I can’t believe I just said that. Puke!)

I generally send Christmas cards. Its not that I have no Christmas spirit (my Christmas tree is already up I have so much Christmas spirit!), it’s just that I’m too lazy. There is all the searching for the perfect card, writing heartfelt bullshit inside the cards, digging up addresses for everyone, addressing the cards, going to the post office to purchase stamps, and finally walking all the way down my loooooong driveway to put the envelopes in the mail. Baby Jesus wouldn’t want me to strain myself, you know? So I just don’t send cards. This year, however, I decided that I would send out cards, but not just any generic store bought card, I was going to send out PICTURE CARDS. Because I am insane. Photobucket