Aug 23, 2006

Blessed & Stressed

Okay first of all I want to say how Blessed I am to have such a wonderful husband who supports me in everything I want to do, He always goes out of his way to accommodate me when it comes to my family, Especially when it for my sister & the triplets. I thank GOD for him everyday. NOW!!! Ready for my stress. Errrrr! As you can tell by the time I posted this message I'm not up on a plane flying east to Maryland to meet my sister and the triplets. First of all I have been to overly excited because my babies (the triplets) will soon be here and sister of course and let's not forget my brother-in-law Sgt. Patrick Weydemuller coming all the way from Iraq. Or is it because soon I will be going to VEGAS just kidding (lol) Never mind. Back to my story. I have been to excited that I can't sleep for days. Well the day has come to meet them in BWI, I even left my wonderful bible study early to get to the airport on time, right before I arrived LAX Mom call to tell me they cancelled Angela's morning flight out of Germany "Ohhhh instant headache," I could only imagine what my sister was going through after days of packing and loading her car with suitcases, baby's triple stroller ect , getting kiddies ready, and driving all the way to catch her plane only to find out the plane has been CANCELLED. When she finally called me she had the best sense of humor she wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. I love her accepting it like a true trooper. So thank God for a later flight, she is flying standby so wish her luck, OH and wish me luck because I cancelled my flight tonight and can't re-book a flight till I get the call from Angela which will be around 9:30am tomorrow to tell me if she will be put on the flight, So that gives me a little time to re-book and hope they have space for me to fly outof LAX. This time pray hard for me and my sister that both of us can get out! It now passed 12 midnight I'm so tired but wired up at the same time could that be possible without caffeine ? And I still have to look for a Hotel in Bwi for tomarrow night! Lord help me. (lol) Stay tuned for update through out the day