Jun 5, 2008

Hello from Tripletland

Okay this is only my second day here and I already experienced a real "Emergency Alert Warning on the Tellie! Wow was I scared. (Really)
Auntie and her baby boys
 Photo Collage Photo Collage Photo Collage
The Triplets all went in for their haircuts and did very good. Not a tear in sight!
Yesterday Angela's wonderful friend also moved from Southern California, Adriana Guzman invited us for a delicious lunch. Thank You again Adriana for your beautiful hospitality. Below is a picture of one of Adriana's Three boys. This is Ryan. I fell in love with this shy but so lovable personality..
My sweet Kieran, How he makes my heart so happy
This is our Dad and Mom. What a Blessing to have them in our life.
Having fun and getting them all tired out and ready for bed so we can all have some quiet time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone, it's uncle Rooly. Great pics, the trips look very happy with their auntie being there to spoil them. Well, as for us three bachelors, we're doing fine. I will start preparing for our Alaska cruise this weekend. Need to buy several items and plan the excursions. Bye..Bye...

Uncle rudy