Aug 3, 2008

Weekend Happanings!

Friday I got HornBlasted. 
For years I've been watching these silly video's of unexpected humans getting Horn blasted and I would laugh myself silly at people's reactions to this loud horn and thought how much these people over reacted to this horn that sound like a freight train.

Well Friday I was a victim to this obnoxious loud nuisance. It scared the life out of me. 
I never knew how far up my right knee cap can touch my nose and how my arms can swing the way they did! and how I can close my eyes real tight and sing opera at the same time (oh so talented me!) ERGH! and I just never realized how loud the blast makes till I got Blasted.

Friday early afternoon I was walking towards my car in a supermarket parking lot and out of no where this car drove by me and tooted it's mighty horn!!!  I now promise I will never laugh and make fun of these poor innocent victims in these HornBlaster video. "I will laugh with them" Hahahaha!  

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