Oct 11, 2006

Molly's Halloween Costume

I finally bought Miss Molly her Halloween costume last night. Since she has been such a Super Dog with the Triplets, I decided what better way to let everyone know how super she is to Us. Molly has been with us four and a half years. We adopted her through Fox channel 11 news. Molly has been nothing but joy to our family.

However this past week Molly has been somewhat depressed, I believe she is missing the Triplets. She walks around looking so sad, When I call out the babies names she runs around the house and backyard looking for them. I might have to go pick up all 3 babies at my mom & dad's house today just to make my Molly-Moo happy.

I love my dog so much. I don't know what I would do without her.She keeps me company throughout the day. She is my shadow in the daytime. and in the mornings she will actually say " I wove woo!" to me. Yes my dog can talk! REALLY!

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