Oct 8, 2008

To Blog or Not to Blog?

Holy Cow look Ma I'm back to Blogging! I have received so many E-mails and phone calls from many of my avid Blog readers wondering if I was ever going to Blog again. So much has happen (good stuff) since my last post that it became to overwhelming for me to get back to Blogging. Many beautiful pictures along with stories to share with you started to pile up in my mind that I just gave up.
You see since my last post back in August 14th to be exact. Rudy and I were in Colorado visiting the Weydemullers.
One August 16th Rudy and I had the honor of bringing back home Three special little packages. Kieran, Haydan and Presley for a whole month. I decided NOT to blog so I can dedicate all my time for them and since blogging consumed alot of my time I had no choice but to let it go. It was the most challenging job I had ever had especially when two out of three became sick with the Flu virus. It was unbelievable exhaustion for Rudy and I. Lack of sleep was killing us. Every single minute with my sweet Triplets was a blessing from God. No matter how exhausting the days became I always thank GOD every night for allowing us to care and watch over these precious children. Every morning as tired as my body was getting I would look forward to waking up to morning kisses and hugs from the Triplets and tucking them in for bed at night as I told them their favorite "Once upon a time stories".
On September 15 Papa Patrick took them all back to Colorado. My heart also went with them. Gosh I miss them.
As soon as the Triplets left, My body gave out on me. I became sick with some kind of flu like virus. and had no energy. I guess my body went into some kind of shock when it became idle. Ha!
Thanks to my sister Angela who finally with her daily reminder to Please start Blogging again, I decide to give it another go! But for some reason or another I am now wondering if I should keep on blogging but as I look at the pictures of my wonderful family I know I should blog.


mrsuribe said...

Yeah! I'm glad you are back to blogging....I've missed you.

Jody said...

I have missed you as well! I am so glad you are back! You are the only person who loves it as much as I do, if not more! Those are great shots, I love the ones of the triplets as always. But I truly love the one of your boys! Great shots! Love Jody