Sep 9, 2009

I heart my Computer because,

I've been thinking lately. About all the wonderful people I've "met" through blogging and of course Facebook.

 I feel like I know a lot of you and I've started to value you as friends. Does that seem strange? In this techno-savvy cyber age we live in...we can form a relationship with someone we've never met face to face - and probably never will. You guys have given me great advice when I've asked (and even when I haven't!) You've cheered me and encouraged me.

I enjoy reading your comments, some are pretty racy and wonder if I should leave it or delete it but I have nothing to hide and by now my Blog and Facebook friends pretty much knows my sense of humor it can get pretty crazy sick and I don't excuse my behavior. I figure if you don't like what you see or read, DELETE CLICK me back to where ever you found me!

Ahem, what you see is pretty much what you get!  Nothing special! Teehee..

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