Jan 2, 2014

Saying Goodbye

Auntie Norma and the Triplets

GOD I hate goodbyes! Today was such a hard day for me. The Weydemuller's are headed back to Colorado. Patrick arrived at the Airport last night so he can drive the family back home.  I am so thankful that GOD has giving us again another opportunity to have the Triplets with us. The Triplets are always my High they are such a big part of my happiness. I can never get enough of them and the love I have for them keeps getting stronger and stronger. 
I'm going to miss them so much. As much work and energy that's involved in the care of multiples it's all worth it and I'm so Blessed to be a Auntie of Triplets.  Thank you Jesus!  I think I've earned a whole day of relaxation tomorrow. Yay!!

Jon saying goodbye
Patrick's Brother Micheal & stepson Cole stopped by our house to say Goodbye


Jody Cooper Photography said...

ohhhh Norma, I am so sorry for you! It doesn't seem like they were there that long! :)

Norma said...

Jody, they were here a whole month. Gosh time flew...